There's a special group for the Paparazzi Consultants who THRIVE on the fun that fuels Paparazzi!! These Consultants leave a trail of bling everywhere they go, they're obsessed with the Paparazzi product, and they happily feed their customers' $5 habits!! They are the LIFE of the PARTY!!!
There are currently five levels of access to the Paparazzi Life of the Party program: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond.
The qualifying period begins on July 1st and ends June 30th of the following year.
Bronze Access:
5,000 PV
When a Consultant accumulates 5,000 PV or more within a year, she will be known as the Life of the Party with Bronze Access. This comes with incredible perks!
A gorgeous certificate given at our annual convention with shimmering bronze foil accents
An adorable Life of the Party branded bag
A fabulous bundle of convention inventory with 25 pieces!!
Exclusive access to purchase 5 different accessories every month in a secret buying period for only 48 hours. This perk is only available to Life of the Party members, and they get to enjoy shopping before everyone else for an entire year!!
Silver Access:
10,000 PV
Includes everything at the Bronze level PLUS:
One of each monthly Exclusive Piece for FREE over an entire year
One of each piece featured in the Convention Collection!!
An invitation to the Life of the Party Luncheon at Convention with the Founders!
Gold Access:
15,000 PV
Includes everything at the Silver level PLUS:
One piece of the entire Zi Collection
DOUBLE Hostess Rewards for a whole year!
Platinum Access:
25,000 PV
Exclusive access to 5 FREE different accessories every month for a year
Monthly mentor call with one of the Founders
Double Hostess Rewards on every order for a whole year
Platinum Access Consultants who attend the annual convention will receive:
A Sparkling TIARA Trophy
Life of the Party branded jacket
One of each piece of the entire convention collection
Complete set of the Zi Collection
An adorable branded bag
A framed certificate
An invitation to the Life of the Party Luncheon hosted by the Founders
The opportunity to MODEL and be featured with your name and photo wearing a Paparazzi Blockbuster.
Diamond Access:
35,000+ PV
Within Diamond Access, a Consultant may be a Diamond, Black Diamond, PINK Diamond, or EMPIRE Diamond. Each level grows in perks all the way to designing your own piece of jewelry and enjoying a Las Vegas vacation!!