Paparazzi Beginning ranks:
Star Consultant
Premier Director
Executive Director
Star Consultant:
When you begin with Paparazzi, you will automatically become a Star Consultant the following month! You can remain active* by placing an order for 25 pieces (50 PV).
*Active means that you will show up on the Paparazzi Search function for a Consultant.
When someone signs up under you while you're a Star Consultant, you will receive 15% of their Starter kit (as long as it's their first time joining). Additionally, you will earn 5% of their PV per team member until you become a Director.
A Director has 3 Personally Sponsored Team Members. The 3 Team Members must be Active in order to count towards Directorship. In other words, they are either a New Consultant or have earned at least 50 PV by ordering 25+ pieces that month.
You will now earn 10% of PV for those in your first line and 5% PV of those in your second line. Remember, you must remain Active to be in any Director position.
To be a Premier Director, you need 3,000 OV (the equivalent of 1,500 pieces purchased from your team)
You will now earn:
â–ª 10% from your Unilevel 1
â–ª 5 % from your Unilevel 2
â–ª 5 % from your Unilevel 3
To be an Executive Director, you need 6,000 OV
You will now earn:
â–ª 10% from your Unilevel 1
â–ª 5 % from your Unilevel 2
â–ª 5 % from your Unilevel 3
â–ª 1 % from your Generation 1
​Following Executive Director, the Ranks continue to grow!
Premier Producer
Executive Producer
Maven A-Lister
Luxe Jetsetter