One of the main questions that I get asked when selling Paparazzi is "How good can $5 jewelry actually be?!"
We're raised to believe that cheap cost = cheap products. This is NOT the case with Paparazzi!!! Our accessories are beautiful, high quality, and they're sold at a reasonable price. This is great news for those who like to spice up outfits often by throwing in some bling! No need to break the bank for gorgeous pieces.
"How good can $5 jewelry actually be?"
all paparazzi accessories are nickel and lead free!
Do you suffer from allergies when it comes to jewelry?
There's no need to worry when it comes to Paparazzi!! All of our products are nickle and lead free. This is the perfect brand to stock your wardrobe with!
Like all good things in life, nothing lasts forever! Although Paparazzi Jewelry is made from high-quality materials, normal wear and tear is to be expected. Different factors such as frequent use, sweating in jewelry, or getting the jewelry wet will cause it to lose some of its shine.
If a chain comes unhooked at any time, there's no reason to fear! Paparazzi offers a repair kit, and you can easily fix it up. I'd also be happy to help you repair your jewelry at a party to show you how simple it can be!
If you have any other questions pertaining to the quality of Paparazzi Accessories, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I would love to give you transparent advice and answers!